Upcoming Events:
Tuesday, May 3rd - BAREFOOT DAY!! All dancers attend without ballet shoes! Also, if your dancer doesn't have convertible tights- have her wear shorts or leggings over her leotard and NO TIGHTS! :)
Saturday, May 21st - WORKSHOP DAY!! Meet the NEW INSTRUCTOR for the FALL! See the email link to register!! Invite your friends!
Tuesday, May 31st - PARENT DAY!! Parents watch your dancer day! Attend your dancer's class and see what she has worked on this season of dance!
You are welcome to bring your own TUTU or SKIRT for PARENT DAY!! I will also have dozens of cute tutus (mostly smaller sizes) available that evening dancers could wear if desired!
Also MAY TUITION is due before May 3rd (barefoot day!)!! :)
Summer & Fall session information with Ballet 5:8 to be announced soon! :)
Creative Movement -
>Review God is love, joy, good, strong, truth, and just.
>Continue to teach your child their body parts, shoulders, legs, hips, chin, ears, etc.- work on heels...and then walking in releve.
>fast and slow
>jumping with two feet
> Worship songs-- Here I am to Worship, Chris Tomlin and Great are you Lord by All Sons and Daughters
Pre-Ballet -
>Dancing Prayer
>Have them make pizza and butterflies (stretch legs out in a V while sitting for pizza & put feet together and move knees up and down for butterfly) - the dancers know the routine for each one!
>Saute (plie, jump, plie, straight- like a rocket!)
>Have them make several combinations of plie, releve, twirl, walk around, first position, tendu
> Worship songs-- Here I am to Worship, Chris Tomlin and Great are you Lord by All Sons and Daughters
Ballet -
>Dancing Prayer
>Ronde Jambe - make a D- forward and backward
>tendu - squish ladybug with toe and turn heel in
>chaine turns (half circle)
>Worship Songs -- Joy by Rend Collective and Good Good Father by Housefires